The Android platform, which has seen rapid increase in malware attacks in the last year, has been once again targeted by a new Android malware dubbed “Gemini”. Mobile Security research firm Lookout discovered the Gemini trojan security risk through user postage in a forum and the security firm has said that it is the most decorated Android malware it has seen till date.
With every release of software and all there is always chance of virus so called being developed and same thing happened here as there has been developed A new Trojan affecting Android devices which was recently emerged in China.Naming which is known as “Geinimi”. This was infant discovered by a Mobile Security Company out there and this virus is automatically attached with some legitimate apps such as Monkey Jump 2, Sex Positions, President vs. Aliens, City Defense and Baseball Superstars 2010.

In order to get infected, you would have to install an sideload app from a 3rd party or Chinese Market, meaning the trojan doesn’t come to your phone by way of the official Android Market. Thus this isn’t a giant threat.Here are some of thesubset of the domain names like,,, and
If it connects, Geinimi transmits collected device information to the remote server which can be very harmful so be careful if you are going on for Android!!.

Name : Suspicious:W32/Malware!Gemini
Category: Malware
Type: Suspicious
Platform: W32
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